5 Reasons Why Bali is Still One of the Top Destinations in Asia This Year

What goes through your mind when you think about Bali? The stretches of white sandy beach, the beautiful rice fields, or the majestic-looking cliffs and their iconic shapes? Whatever image you conjure about Bali, whether from social media posts or travel ads, the island is unmistakeably a piece of paradise on earth. 

After the pandemic, the efforts of the Indonesian government to promote Bali seemed to work. The numbers speak for themselves. Last year alone, more than five million tourists visited Bali and, for 2024, the projection is between six and seven million. Also, this doesn’t seem to slow down anytime soon. 

So what exactly makes Bali so appealing for visitors and does it matter if they have ever been to the island or not. The answer may be far more straightforward than you think. Here’s the reason why I believe Bali is still at the top of many people’s wishlists. 

The Nature

Bali has everything you can think of. There’s the towering Mount Agung, which is the highest mountain on the island if you’re an avid mount climber. You’re a surfer? Amazing! Some of the surf spots in Bali have world-class surf breaks for you to conquer. Then, there are plenty of incredible waterfalls that you can discover. Plus, the beaches are your playground, whether in Kuta, Canggu, Sanur, or Balangan. Not to mention the lakes, the rivers, and the hills. Bali has got you completely covered in the nature department. 

Whatever your preference, whether you’re a mountain, beach, or lake person, Bali has everything and more.


Indonesia is the biggest Muslim-populated country in the world. Whereas the majority of Bali practice Hinduism. This stark contrast, without people realising it or not, is a factor that magnetises people towards the island.

Hinduism here differs from Hinduism in India. The reason for this lies in the history of the Balinese people who first arrived from Java. The Javanese culture was brought over and adjusted, becoming a way of life for people in Bali. They believe in the harmony between God, humans, and nature, and it’s their job to ensure balance through various ceremonies that you will see if you’re in Bali. 

The People

Balinese are some of the friendliest people I have ever met in my travels. They are quick to smile, willing to help you if you're in trouble, and really want to make you feel welcome. 

Their questions might occasionally feel offensive and personal for people from Western cultures. They will often ask about your age or your marital status, but this is just because they want to get to know you. There’s no hidden agenda or ill content behind such questions.

Affordable Living Costs

According to Western standards, prices in Bali are on the affordable side. This often becomes an essential point when deciding whether to book a flight to Bali. 

You can easily find a full meal for USD 1 if you know where to look. You can even pay less than USD 5 in restaurants for a smoothie bowl. Accommodation shouldn’t be an issue either, especially if you plan to stay here longer. A monthly rent of USD 500 will get you a nice room, often with a pool and cleaning staff. 

Just a heads up, however. If you plan to work in Bali, you need a proper working visa as you’re not allowed to visit and earn money here.

The Climate

As a tropical country, Indonesia is blessed with abundant sun all year long and Bali is no exception. Though on paper, Indonesia has two seasons – rainy and dry – you can still catch the sun even in the rainy season.

If you’re not accustomed to high humidity, Bali or Indonesia is not really for you. It can be extremely humid! Although most accommodations in Bali do have AC or, at the very least, a fan to help you fight the humidity and heat.

After understanding the general factors behind why Bali remains a popular destination in Asia, the next question is to decide upon an area to stay at. 

Between Canggu, Sanur, Kuta, Seminyak, and Ubud, I advise you to consider staying in these areas for at least a night to find your favourites. If you’re staying in the Kuta area and looking for the best breakfast option, OnBali has a comprehensive list of best breakfast in Kuta and general information about Bali that you can check out.